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Liquid Food: The Intersection of Wine & Beer
Way back when I was in high school I had an eccentric history teacher who had spent a lot of time over seas before taking the job at my school. She had, what to me was, a very revolutionary belief. She thought the drinking age of 21 was ridiculous for fermented beverages, and she would often exclaim that "Wine and Beer are food!" She seemed legitimately perplexed by the law in the United States.
Read MoreAll About the La Paulee Festival
For the 9th year running, Daniel Johnnes and his esteemed team have managed to host what is quietly known as one of the most exclusive food and wine events in the world. This celebration draws together a combination of the world’s finest collectors, producers, and industry professionals, yet remains somewhat of an underground event. It lacks the general publicity of most wine events, but captures the attention of anyone who truly loves great Burgundy wine.
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