Growe Foundation: a blueprint for a healthier America
From the Growe Foundation website: By providing children with engaging educational experiences that connect them to food, how it’s grown and why fruits and vegetables are essential to their diet, we aim to address the childhood health issues and the environmental problems facing society.
Any parent in the U.S. will tell you the same thing: getting your kids, especially toddlers, to eat fresh fruit and vegetables can be a trying experience.
And it's a universal problem that cuts across economic and geographic lines. Beyond a given family's economic means or lack thereof, children from all walks of life in the U.S. are incessantly bombarded by advertising and marketing (often subtle or veiled) for processed food.
"98% of the $2 billion in food and beverage advertisements viewed by children," writes Bryce Brown on his Growe Foundation's website, "are for products that are high in fat, sugar or sodium."
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